Originally Posted By Magnumguy
THANK YOU very much Mr. Diplomat!!

Oh, my pleasure and you're welcome. This is the other, non hands-on, exciting part of the hobby for me, when you can share your experience with others and hopefully that makes their process a tad easier.

I have a '81 coupe as well that will eventually get the same treatment as my '80, only better...ha ha...so just writing this up in the post has me inclined to run out to the garage and start "wrenching"...!!!

If you need any other info let me know, I think I have a '78 Parts Book as well that would have your Magnum in there...I will try to take a peek at it, but if you do not have this already do your best to find something on eBag or the forum SALES area, that material goes a long way to simplifying things.