I just had a problem with a Manley bolt bottoming out last week. It was one of the med. length bolts in the left front with Indy -1's. I was torqueing it down and it felt springy so I new what it was so I took it back out and I could see the bottom thread was shiny. I put a hard washer on it and then it torqued down fine. My heads are milled .060. Manley says to install them at 70 ft. lbs. dry. They say they have a dry film coating on them that does not need any other lube. I also plug weld a nut on a stubbern stud to get it out. As soon as you stop welding, while it is still hot you can touch a candle to it and let it suck the wax around it. This works good if the hole is rusty. If it is just bottomed it probably won't help.