Hi fellow Mopar lovers,
My name is Dave Ferro, owner Totally Auto Inc. This thread was forwarded to me by an anonymous Moparts user who I wish to thank publicly.

When we started that new product over 20 years ago, we never thought there would be so many people loving it. In business, you ALWAYS hear the complaints but it's as rare as a Hemi 4-speed to actually receive a compliment. Well, I have enough hand written letters of praise to wallpaper a small office! And now in the era of the web, there has been so many more, I can't even keep track of them all. In fact, there are some very nice things posted, RIGHT NOW, on this very site. Again, THANK YOU to those folks, we really appreciate it!

I must explain, again, the paint we sell is NOT, store bought spray paint! That's the crap the other guys sell. Ours is actual PPG AUTOMOTIVE PAINT, that we mix to our specifications, only after years of research and sampling of ORIGINAL cars. It is difficult to get it to come out of a can but we did the work to make it as best as possible for you guys who don't have specialized painting equipment at home. If I don't have a real sample, we don't sell it. Many of the "codes" listed in books are "offsets" used for collision shops over the years to get cars "close" for production work. WE DON'T DO PRODUCTION WORK. As far as the body colors, PLEASE remember what we are dealing with here. We don't know which offset your painter used, or if he even matched an original color. We can't guarantee our paint is a perfect match for what every painter across the country uses on whatever car. Until we feel it is right, we don't offer it. Again, that is why we only offer so very few of the BODY COLORS.

Sure, sometimes a tip clogs. Sometimes it is because we are too lazy to clean it after use and of course, we do get an occasional bad can, bad nozzle, someone who forgot to shake well, etc. That happens, and when it happens to a customer, WE ALWAYS SEND THEM ANOTHER CAN, OR NEW NOZZLE! That is our policy. There is a lot of paint going out of here and YES sometimes we do have a bad batch. There is simply no way of us "TESTING" each and every can for texture, gloss etc. without actually using EVERY can and then we would be offering "used" product. Again, this is tricky, putting automotive paint in a can! Surely you can understand why we would need to see the bad can.

I asked everyone who answers our phones and nobody here has taken many complaints about our paints, other than what I listed above. I answer all emails personally and frankly, I get more praise than complaints. So, I am forced to draw my own conclusions. Is there someone selling paint and saying it is from us? That JUST happened two-weeks ago at a show in OHIO. WE WERE NOT THERE! A guy bought bogus paint with OUR name on it. He wanted to return it to us but did not have a receipt or name of who he got it from. Could this be why I have I not heard from those posting here. I would gladly handle each of these situations on an individual basis. My email address is totallyauto@aol.com Of the ways for us to become aware of a problem, the most important to us is customer feedback. Feel free to email, attention to me.


Recently, I have been working on updating our paints to newer, latest-greatest products. The main problem has been price. (Both our cost and the eventual selling price). It will cost approximately double per can. Previously, I did not feel the benefits warranted the higher price. We did consider offering two levels of product but reconsidered based on logistics. Basically, as we stand, if we hear about a bad can, we replace it, if you get a bad nozzle we send you a new one, (two are included with each can). The fact is, for us to stay in business, we need to get the bad part back and for several reasons. Some cans are warranted by our supplier and second, many simply work with just a new nozzle and we can go ahead and use it in the shop. This all keeps the cost down for our customers.

With all that said, I have already made the decision to go ahead and reformulate and use a newer style product that, I am told will work even better but at the cost of a considerably higher price. This transformation is taking time. We finished with the Argents, Satin, etc. and should have R+D on others soon. At this time we have held the price and are doing so as long as possible. Soon, we have to settle on a new selling price. So, I guess I should sit back a wait for the thread complaining about the price increase, lol, go figure.

On the note regarding counter people, it is a paradox, pay the price for someone who can answer every question; the product price goes up, try just someone to answer the phone, (as opposed to a machine like many companies) and people get upset. Have me on the phone; no cars get built. Get someone in the middle and...well, that's what you got. Anyone who thinks they can do the job better, send an application! Seriously, we need a counterman.

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. We really strive to help this hobby with quality, time tested products. This year we will be celebrating 23 years doing nothing but Mopars and we could not have done it without ALL of your support!
Thanks again, Dave Ferro
Totally Auto Inc.

Dave Ferro Totally Auto Inc. www.totallyautoinc.com 215 322 2277