lets assume this is your 1000hp annular, on your motor

the idle, part throttle/rich problem is mostly due to the cam being too....small.
the carb it set up for a more radical cam, which would have less vacuum, and along with that...less signal too the carb.

you need to numb up the low speed circuits because the signal is good.
i would open the idle air bleeds to about .065, and increase the PVCR by about .010 from what it is now.
if the IFR's are larger than .034 -.035...they will likely need to be choked down a bit as well.
after you increase the PVCR, you can take some jet out of it.

actually....this is the "proper" way to determine the correct PVCR sizing for your combo.....
im also assuming that since you know where the rich conditions are occuring, that you are using an in-car A/F monitor of some sort.

after doing the idle bleeds, and IFR restrictions(if necessary), jet down the primary side until the part throttle seems good.
at this point, see if there is any tip-in "issues", but not anything that would require PV enrichment.
if there are no adverse part throttle, low speed side affects from the smaller jets....then you would start to increase the size of the PVCR until the WOT mixture was back where you wanted it.

and if it were me....i wouldnt be too happy with 14.5-15:1 at WOT. IMO...thats too lean.

68 Satellite, 383 with stock 906’s, 3550lbs, 11.18@123
Dealer for Comp Cams/Indy Heads