Well, it broke something..... itself!

At the First TNT night, it spun off the line twice, until we got the right tire pressure and leave RPM. Then it hooked, bounced on the rev limiter at the top end. He just stayed in it on the limiter for a few hundred ft and it went 10.16 at like 128 or something around there. Last run he pulled limiter chip out, it hooked and was trucking but the belt came off the vacuum pump and it pushed oil out the reservoir (we think). It ran 10.04 at 132 on that run limping to the finish. Night over. (And there might have been more to that incident than he thought).

Last weekend he took it back out with the vacuum pump pulley situation re-addressed. It made a pretty good pass in Q1 and went 9.89 at 135. He was all smiles. 2nd run it nosed over when he hit drive, and spewed oil all over the engine compartment. From what I saw and he described, I feared something bad... it had actually split open a valve cover !?!? We pulled the cover and to my surprise, all the valves seemed to move correctly when he cranked it over. So he loaded it up and took off as I stuck around. He called tonight and said he had taken the intake off and immediately saw that the block is cracked and there's metal shavings everywhere in the valley, which has screen epoxied in.

All in all, he spent 8 grand and got 6 passes, only one clean. Reaffirming my feeling that I don't like engines of unknown origin, no matter how many receipts they come with.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120