Hillbilly fix:
When I took my solenoid off I tested it and it worked fine but the boot was non existent. I could order a boot but it had to come from the US ($30-$40), which is no biggie but it takes awhile. I called Cummins and they want to sell you a whole solenoid assembly for $700! From the pics I saw of an oem boot it reminded me of those punchy balloons you could get as a kid. So I went to the party store, bought a pack and brought them home. They looked about the right size so I picked the least flamboyant color, cut the end off the body and slipped it on. Fits pretty decently lol! AND cost me about 50 cents! It's made of fairly heavy rubber so it should last abit hopefully

Last edited by WO23Coronet; 07/27/17 05:35 AM.