[quote=fast68plymouth]There's nothing wrong with discussion

The argument that all new products for Mopars get bashed here, and that's why nothing new is coming out doesn't carry much water for me.

If old Mopar guys really think the Mopar Parts division cares about what is said on this website than it's time for hell to freeze over. The bottom line is FCA Is for sale. The last thing they are concerned with is a bunch of 50 something year old guys complainining about what's available for what truly is .00000000000001% of the market.
The other thing that is truly amazing is when guys like Dave Hughes, Brandon from 440 Source or anyone who thinks outside the box for that matter comes up with something new or different they are immediately jumped on by several on this website.

Hopfully the Gen 3 Mopar crowd can unite and support the aftermarket and the shops that build up the engines.