Originally Posted By fast68plymouth
Customers like shinny so they get the sanding roll treatment.

And I say....... Give the people what they want!!

(Off topic gratuitous porting pic)

Sh!t, that ain't shiny! If I can't shave in the reflection, it ain't shiny! grin

Back on topic...

I use Eastwood Grinder's Grease w/ single- & double-cut burs on aluminum. You spin the bit in the stuff (it's like a tube of wax) and it fills the gaps between the teeth so they don't get clogged with aluminum. Periodically you clean it w/ a wire brush and re-treat it.

Grinder's Grease does NOT grind quite as smoothly as the Mondello porting lube that I dip my aluminum-type cutters into. However, it does a better job of resisting the clogging issue when using ferrous-type bits used on softer metals.

I think Jeg's and/or Summit now carries Eastwood stuff, so you don't have to order direct from Eastwood (and may be able to include it in a large enough order from "The Big Guys" to get free shipping). I bought my tube from Eastwood YEARS AGO, and it's going to need to be replaced at some point in the near future.