Sooo... finally got under the beast yesterday to get some idea ov what i'm working with here, What did i find? a 70 bumper... with 74 brackets and the 74 bumperettes bolted on! I have NO idea why someone would bolt on a 70 front clip (including bumper), and go through the trouble to put the cheesy 74 bumperettes back on... but they did. They're not even on the right side, they're bug-eyed. Makes me wonder where the 70 brackets ended up...

So... turns out i need nothing here. I dont even need to do anything to fix this, aside from unbolt those silly bumperettes when i pull the bumper to lighten the brackets. I've seen both year brackets up close now too... and once i get the hacking done, they'll be pretty much indistinguishable. Those front brackets look HEAVY... Lots ov weight to lose there...

Curious though, anyone actually WEIGH that inner brace on the 73-4 front bumper? Anyone weigh the full 73-4 rear bumper (brace, brackets, bumper, etc.)? I need some figures for my data.