Originally Posted By Frankenduster
Holy Crap, man...I thought you dropped off of the face of the Earth! Welcome back!
I have no info regarding your questions...I was impressed to see you pop back in!

Heh... well... it just got too depressing having a Mopar and not being able to use it. Then even more driving a new Mustang, and then the last nail... a Toyota (though a pretty neat one i'll admit). THEN... it got worse... and i sold my baby. So yeah... it got old reading about everyone else's progress, and well... work/life got really busy too (in a good way).

Anyways... i had honestly no ambitions for getting another old car until i was rich. But two days after the 70 left my driveway, i spied this lil roach on CL and well...

I've lurked, occasionally... just didn't post, and quite honestly, i quit paying attention to all the new stuff coming out and what people are doing. Time to play catch up. I wanna be driving this basher by summer. And then i'm gonna sell the Toyota (as great as its been) and never buy another new car again.

So i'll be re-hashing some old questions i'm sure...