Originally Posted By dmking
i also was bulbing a lot and someone told me about slowing my car down reaction time wise with air so i went down to 30 in the front and down 2 in the back and boom i'm at .015. it seems to work. i am on regular bias tires . the rear must wind up the sidewall a little bit more before it rotates the tire and lower in the fromt must make the contact patch a little bit longer.

Exactly! It does make a difference. There are variables that often make it difficult to see. A major variable is a driver's "margin of error". i.e.: If a driver can consistently stay within a .03 spread in reaction times, than a change in air pressure that should make an .01 difference may not be obvious. But keeping very detailed, long-term records of all variables will help. This includes different tracks, day/night, possible lane differences & more.