Originally Posted By Cooter
Pretty sure FI Tech only has 4 barrel setups. And since they are the ones paying for the writeup...

"Pays for itself" did make me giggle after they destroyed one intake, bought a second, and a header for it, not to mention all of the other ancillary parts. I'm guessing it isn't going through 50 fillups any time in the near future with the 3 speed, drum brakes and funky handling of that thing, let alone how the nearly 100 fillups that the full install would cost, if they aren't fudging the MpG figures. (I can get 11.5 MpG out of my crew cab 440)

Yeah, best part of the story(ad)! What's wrong with truth in advertising?
Don't know what intakes and headers cost for a chevy 6, but pretty sure not peanuts!