The quality you want and the budget you have are hugely important to an answer.
Best chrome plating I've ever experienced was Ogden Chrome (Ogden, UT): it's expensive, but flawless, about a 2-month timeframe.
Machine shop, I've usually found a Mopar specialist or race-engine guy not too far from me; that said, I did have a highly-regarded guy in SoCal build me one great $7500 engine and years later one $10,000 grenade whose post-mortem showed horrible work...
Upholstery, should be someone not far from you who does high-end or at least high-quality work; check around at car shows & such.
Paint stripping depends on what you have, what you can do yourself...I've had cars dipped, media-blasted, sanded them or chem-stripped them myself...
Fasteners & strikers I've sent to Eric Manuel (member 3404): great work, reasonable & timely. He can re-plate latches, but if you want OEM/Mopar Nats-level with the differing finishes, there are a couple guys here whose names I can't recall.
Carbs, send to member Scott Smith_Harms for perfection, but I don't know how much $$$.
Hope this helps; I'm sure there'll be other answers & souce info as well.