Originally Posted By HP2
1971 Sport Fury 440" 727 with an 8 3/4", 489 housing and 2.76 gears, the tag is still on. It locks up on dirt and snow but not on asphalt so it needs rebuilt.
From what I've heard all Sure Grip's from 1969 are cones, it this correct?
Is it possible to rebuild a cone style differential, and if so where do I find the parts?

'69 should still be Dana, see here http://www.moparts.org/Tech/Archive/axle/21.html and if you want more original source, then look at the FSM and bulletins from '69 and '70 (Hammtramck Historical and Imperial Club are a couple of on-line libraries of service bulltins and similar factory lit)

'71 should be cone type. If you want to keep it, Rick E had an article (probably in Mopar Action) showing the step by step for checking if there is enough left and how to machine it. Auburn made replacements.

If you prefer the Dana style, it will always be rebuildable. And if you already have one, then that's the ticket.