I have been running manual valve bodies in my street cars for over 20 years and I love. I am a gearhead hotrodder and I love shifting my car when I want it to shift. You just have to be smart and know what you have so you drive it right. I use the Turbo Action reverse manual V/B and it does not have a low band apply so I never shift back to first until I come to a full stop. And if you get on it or do a burnout in first you dont lift on the gas until you shift into second as you dont want to damage the sprag (overrunning clutch). Many newer V/B's have the low/reverse drum apply now in first and you dont have to be as careful with them. I have been using the older Turbo Action V/B's with no low band apply for over 20 years like I said and have never had a problem. But I do know what I have and know how to drive it as when you buy a no low band apply V/B it even says not for street use. Most of the manual V/B's today are low band apply which is best for anyone who dont understand what can happen to the rear sprag in the non low band apply. Course if you dont like shifting your own gears then you need to have the throttle pressure to the trans working right so you wont burn out any clutches. Ron