Originally Posted By EchoSixMike
Originally Posted By Scully
Originally Posted By EchoSixMike
Meh, sleeve it. We do it all the time. I'll give you $25 for that rejected block. S/F....Ken M

How would sleeving it make the cylinders any thicker.

It may not make it thicker, but that doesn't matter, it absolutely makes it stronger. Even .150(let's say) of virgin 2016 production 100k psi ductile iron is far stronger than .250+ of 1978 crusty grey iron from a Monday shift in Detroit.

We probably sleeve at least a block a month that big power (1000+hp) nitrous and turbo guys smash with "overly optimistic" tunes. S/F....Ken M

Crusty grey iron from a Monday shift in Detroit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is s hit song in there somewhere.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston