Not really. I guess if you think that the US is around just to save Mr Pbodys job, then you could say that.

Or, if you think it's OK to piss away 20 plus years of research into something because Iaccoa had to have a government loan because no one with a brain the size of a pea would give him any, then yes, you'd be correct.

I lived through it. I watched as a once great company was dragged down by incompetence. It should have went broke.

But evidently, Mr Pbody and some other need THAT ONE JOB.

So you can kiss the ass of a flaming communist who said so many times publically that we weren't pay enough for gasoline, that the US had to cut pay and move to junk [censored] cars to compete etc. The mustang is an overrated pile of [censored], the Pinto speaks for itself, as does the Kcar.

Love the pinko all you want. If he couldn't raise the funds privately, the company should have folded.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston