I'm a high school teacher. The majority of my students see cars as transportation. Cruising is old school. Gas is too expensive to idly burn up. Living in Houston, the city is too spread out to have an "official" cruising spot. Years ago cruising Richmond Ave was the thing to do, but the cops, constant traffic congestion on secondary streets, & price of gas has negated it. Also, all the buttheads that show up drunk or stoned trying to get on the local news have put the squash on cruising. I'm always surprised by how many of my students either don't own a car or even a driver's license. Kids today don't get as hepped up about owning a car as I did in my youth. The few students that I have that are gearheads just talk about making their 5000 lb truck run faster, or they are posers w/ their v6 bowties & ovals or import cars w/ obnoxious exhaust systems.