I hear what you're saying, but I don't think they'll just pull the plug. They make too much money broadcasting the events to let it go, and ratings mean everything to a network. My intension is to find the right person to politely complain to, and pass along the feelings of at least some of their long term audience. Hopefully they'll respond in some small way to make the show more interesting and focused. I appreciate the fact that as car guys our tastes may be a little different than some of the viewers, but my ability to judge the quality of coverage on any sport is fair and even my wife has commented on how silly the show is now, so I feel I'm being fair in my assessment of the job ESPN is currently doing.

Please keep the comments coming, good, bad, or indifferent. Thanks guys, I will find the right guy to send to. As for what happens from there, who knows. I just love the sport, and watching it has always been something to look forward to, and I don't want it going in the tank if I can do something about it. It may be in vain, but at least I'll know I did something.