
I don't know Billy. I've run on a lot of his greatly prepped tracks and I am less then impressed. One he is extremely arrogant and less then personable. Maybe he does great for the pros but he could give two shakes less about the sportsman cars.
We had an incident at Brainerd a couple years ago. We ran superstock right after comp. We followed David Rampy. David had a spray of tranny fluid come out on the launch. My father saw it and grabbed a couple rags and started wiping it up. He proceeded to get chewed out by Rick and told to hurry up and get out of the way. Needless to when the transbrake was let go the car actually hazed the tire and shifted to second gear with the air shifter less then a car length off the starting line. When my father jumped Rick about all he could do was shrug his shoulders and walk away.
Buster Couch was in my opinion twice the starting line official. He too was sometimes groutchy but atleast he was approachable.

Rick Ryan

I think Rick and WJ should go do lunch.....

....there is nothing like driving my 1968 Hemi Dart around town and having people looking at you like you're nuts!!