Originally Posted By Cab_Burge
I visted the Spruce Goose when it was on display in Long Beach, CA, they had a cutaway engine( 28 cylinder corncob radial) on display and was amazed by it bow The first thing that came into my mind was I'm glad I was never a crewcheif on a airplane that used those motors, epsecially when the flight engineer came in to the hangar and said #4 has a miss in it puke panic
I was told by a old time B36 crewcheif that they would swap those motors out in a case like that and then work on them on a engine stand, not on the airplane confused
they actually had an oscilloscope that was linked to each cylinder via a switch and they watched the pattern from each plug so they could also find bad plugs and cylinders. I worked on dc-6's with R2800 engines. Tim

1941 Taylorcraft
1968 Charger
1994 Wrangler
1998 Wrangler
2008 Kia Rio
2017 Jetta

I didn't do 4 years and 9 months of Graduate School to be called Mister!