Originally Posted By 6bblgt
Originally Posted By DAYCLONA
Generally any reference to the "Zero/O" line in the Architectural/drafting/machine part print/etc world is in regard to a 'draftsman's SCALE ruler' (those triangular/3 sided white scale rulers) the "Zero/O" reference line (the "zero" starting line on the scale desired that your measurements will be based on) will vary depending on the print scale deployed, and will be located at different points on the various rule's scales depending on what scale was chosen

sorry, NO!

the "0" on these drawings has nothing to do with scale, it's the intersection of the X, Y, & Z-planes that represent the starting point for all dimensions - it is constant

Actually it has to do with both. It does references a point in space measured from 0,0 but also has a scale of 1 inch. A Challenger fender emblem is ~7 inches in length which is close to the sum of the dims.

But lets try to put this to sleep since we really don't know where 0,0 is on a car. So...

We (or I) know where an emblem goes on a F series (70). The bottom of the "G" is ~1" above the body line. Since 71s are 5" lower (thanks Dan) it then should be 4" below the body line. That places the "C" (passenger side) ~4" from the edge of the fender, but the drawing shows it's offset 0.16" from the reference.

So that means the passenger emblem would be 3.84" to the "C" from the fender edge and 4" to the bottom of the "g" from the body line.


Last edited by Morty426; 10/04/16 05:58 PM.