
don't want to sound dumb , but could'nt you just replace the whole roof. Looks like you had it all there, just replace by the pillars.

Great question

I guess you can put the roof on complete. Several reasons I didn't do it that way

First off, I don't trust any used part.These cars rust from the inside out. I didn't know
if the donor roof had any issuse. It did ..but this way I can use the best of both.

Second, I'm doing this alone. The roof would have to be cut dead accurate in each of the
pillars. Not a whole lot of room for error. The mock up and measuring with a complete roof is
not somthing I can do by myself.

Last and probably the main reason, The roof is strutural. The metal is really thick,
especially at the front pillars. It would be very difficult to properly weld the supports.
I don't expect the car to be in a rollover ..... but......
Even if that never happens the possibily of cracking from vibration after all this work
is too great.

Last edited by 74fish; 02/21/09 01:06 PM.