I'm assuming the ign/doors/trunk take the same key (???). what I would do is pull the back seat & pay your skinniest friend to climb thru into the trunk with a pair of pliers & pull the flat clip so you can remove the lock cyl out from the outside & take it in & have it keyed. if anything about that wont work then you will have to pull the steering wheel then the lock cyl in the column & same deal have it keyed. You could call a locksmith to come over & do it (all) on site but it would cost a bit. EDIT WITH more thought you might roll a front window up & pull the door panel & pull that same flat clip to get the cyl out

Last edited by RapidRobert; 09/18/16 06:48 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth