Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By WO23Coronet
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Should clear fine...........if it won't, notch the bore. Not the first time that's had to be done. And with the right cam, you WON'T have to spin it to the moon to make it run.

As for stock block rule.........tell em its a 383 car.......LOL!!!

Can you expand on this with some general specs? Not doubting, just curious and am wondering.
What? Bore notching or rpms?...........If you are referring to rpms, for some reason it has become accepted that large heads require big rpm to work and that simply isn't the case. It's all about getting the cam and events right.

The 446 I had in my GTX had B-1 MCs. That motor ran great, made good power and never saw 8000 rpm

What kind of hp were you making? I've just always thought to get the most hp potentialout of a head you can (Max hp deal, what I'm assuming the OP is after) it needs, for lack of a better term, to be "worked" to a certain point, there's a formula that incorporates cross section, cu in, and rpm (preaching to the choir here). For a given cross section and displacement, you'll need to turn x rpm to get max hp, that's all I was getting at. I'm sure the formula is a generalization as well. Not doubting you can't get big hp with mild displacement without having to spin it to the moon, but to get max hp wouldn't you have to buzz it pretty hard?