what do you guys think? some of the sound clips on his website sound good, some sound kind of "tin-y"

what length are you guys using and what would you reccommend for my big block dakota with dual exhaust, no x-pipe.

it'll have 3" exhaust.

I want it to be quiet enough at idle and cruise to be able to have a conversation inside the truck without having to yell, but I also want it loud enough for everyone to knwo it's not stock when I'm going through a parking lot.

and when I give it WOT, I want it to SCREAM!

Website says the longer it is, the quieter it will be, but I want to spend my money once, and get it right the first time, and it's hard to tell how loud something will be when listening to audio recordings for several reasons, so unless anyone in Columbus has a set of these that I can go listen to in person, I'm gonna have to go by what you guys have on yours and what you think of them.


**Photobucket sucks**