I have to admit that the "style" of this switch panel caught my attention and appealed to me the most and will look great mounted in this new car ""BUT""...........sexy appeal is NOT the most important part of this new build. I want the best built switch and if it happens to look great.....well, that is a perk but functionality and performance is at the top of the list first!!!

The new wiring system going in this new build is going to be as "top notch" as I can achieve in that I am in search of the best automotive race car electrician/technician that I am able to locate to either help me do this or take the car to them to build the system in their shop. I don't mind spending quality money for quality work as I want my car to start "every time", all components function as efficient as they were designed to, I want the car to "turn off" as it should, not melt fuses, relays, panels, wiring and all related components and "MOST OF ALL".....not burn the car to the ground due to inefficient wiring gauge for this circuit or that panel or what ever.........

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son......"
