If you go to Yakima goatheads are a real problem. The track promoter doesn't seem to give a rip when it comes to the locals racing. The restrooms are third world, wife went with me one time and said she would never go back. The track surface is a crap shoot. Most of the time the starting line is not well prepped.

Seattle, rainouts are a problem. Once they have your money, oh well You get a raincheck however if you are not a regular local racing, well you see my point. Oh, and they have a noise curfew.

Bremerton, well the rain is the issue. Good track with lots of pit space

Woodburn, well maintained track, good facilities, family friendly and it's in a part of Oregon where it doesn't rain all that much. In the summer it can get a bit hot and humid. check out the Mopar Nationals at Woodburn, usually in July

Given a choice, Woodburn then Bremerton

Oh, lived in Yakima for over 40 years

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Abe Lincoln