quote='68cuda416]I am a newbie on the forums and don't contribute much as I just don't know enough to add to what others have already said, but I am learning. Yesterday I took my barracuda that I have been building for the last couple years out to the Roadkill event and entered it in the drags, first time ever running it on a track. I have been working on the car and making changes to it according to what I read here mostly, and I especially enjoy Monte's posts, anyway at the end of the day my relatively low horsepower barracuda was the 3rd fastest mopar at the event. I was totally shocked by that news and obviously wasn't invited to run for the money but just knowing how well the car did in a sea of really strong Mopars made me very proud and I owe a lot of thanks to the smart guys that take time out of their day to offer up suggestions or help to those that ask. Look forward to learning more and making the car the best it can be.......THANK YOU. [/quote]

You were really looking good out there, hard to believe first time out. You must have done your homework well. That car is gonna fly when you get it on a sticky track.