Despite the way the show is edited and some of the guys are portrayed at times.........they are ALL great guys.

Example, when I was out there working on James car, he offered Derrick his chassis dyno, so that I could help him. I talked to Dominator on the phone about a totally different matter. When he found out I was under the gun on the Reaper, he STOPPED working on his car and drove an hour to James shop to help me out with Derrick's. They all help each other out when needed

When Dominator hurt his motor right before an out of town race last year, James loaned him a motor. When I was there the second time, to rewire the Reaper. Dominator broke his brand new trans testing Friday, before race night on Saturday. James had his brother, go open the shop and loan Dominator his brand new 10k turbo 400, so Joe could make the first race night this year.

Working an all-nighter to get the Reaper ready, I think they ALL called to see if we needed help and Chuck with the 55 just showed up to help

Those guys from Detroit are good guys too. I have been to Milan and helped a few of those guys as well. What you saw from Brian Davis after the crash IS him. He was truly torn up about wrecking Chief and offered to help pay for it and of course Chief declined that offer.............Squinchy IS the Detroit mouthpiece, but a super cool guy and lots of fun to be around

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 05/31/16 02:17 AM.