Funny thing about heat on hot days, around here (northwest corner of IL), they give us a "feels like" temp in the summer. That is where they calculate how much the humidity adds to the actual temp. a 90 degree day with a 90% humidity range gives you a "feel like" temp in the mid 105-115 range, depending on if there was a breeze or not.
We visited Phoenix one summer and the outside temp was 115 degrees. I'm here to tell you, 115 feels hot, regardless of if its the "feels like" or the actual temp.

For several years I worked maintenance in a brass and aluminum forge shop here in town. In the summer, on those 90 degree days with the high humidity, the operator station for the forge operator would be right at 135 degrees from about 7am until well past 7pm. The operator was required to wear long sleeve shirts, gelding gloves, and a hard hat while they were at their work stations. According to a few of those operators, when they had a chance to get away from the work station, take off the gloves and hard hat, 115 seemed pretty cool to them. Heat (and cold) is retaliative to your surroundings, I suppose. Gene