Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Why is the 904 considered safer the the 727 as far as exploding the sprag? Lighter weight parts? Sprag is close to same size but drums are quite a difference. I want to put the 904 stuff in a 727 case and want to get input on whitch low drum to use (a little work on each to make work) . Rest is easy so far. Thanks

Lightweight parts mainly. The mass of the 727 drum coupled with how it's made is the problem , the 904 drum is a lot smaller. also the 904 sprag is pinned to the case, but it can still fail, it's just doesn't have the explosion risk of the front drum near as much ... I had to say that instead of it doesn't wink ...

you can put 904 parts in a 727 , it's already being done but it's pricey as I think there are some specialized parts .

The clutches and bands are smaller though so you'll have that issue to deal with.

Probably cheaper to put a 'glide in it ?

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