Originally Posted By skicker
Originally Posted By AndyF
This is going to sound obvious but you basically just have to start the job before you can finish it. And you have to keep going, one part at a time. It sounds dumb, but most projects stall out because people stop working on the car. If you aren't working on it then it won't get done.

If you can get up the energy to complete one task then post it on here and get some positive feedback and then that will give you the energy to do the next task.

If you run into a problem just take some pictures and post a question on here and you'll get answers.

If the task is too big then reduce the task. Put the car back together as a driver even if the interior isn't perfect and/or the body isn't perfect. Then you can drive it to shows and stuff and somewhere along the way you'll run into someone who can help you finish off the stuff you don't know how to do.

Andy nailed it...
Mine was once a completely stripped unibody with not one bolted on bracket or bolt in it...I bought it to strip and part out but it was just too solid to cut it up...little by little it all went back together...5 years later it was done...

I like Andy's post too. I'm 5 years in on mine and it started out as a rolling, painted shell. It got bombed by a hail storm on delivery. The guys on this site got me through it. Everyone here knows me. I ask questions about EVERYTHING. I show progress pictures and get feedback. I share my acquired knowledge with others who are a step behind me doing their car. When I have run into big headaches, guys have stepped up and sent me correct parts. I will be turning the key this spring on mine.

1. Do something EVERY DAY. Making lists and asking questions count.
2. Put the parts in front of you. I do as much as I can on my kitchen table!
3. Organize sections and assemblies together in your garage and hang them up together. Get stuck on one assembly? Move to another. Just keep moving!
4. Don't overthink things. Keep it simple.
5. Decide what's important and spend money there.
6. Doing it your self saves money but takes time. Know when it's best to just pay.
7. Resto Rick's list is REALLY GOOD! Use it.

I’m listening.