Originally Posted By Pynzo

I use the SPST relays. You get two output terminals so each bulb gets it's own direct power feed( twin terminals 87 normally open). No need to splice the lines. I used one for the low beam and two for the hi beams in my 4 lamp system. About $14 per relay IIRC. Terminal Supply has the connectors and terminals also. They have a $20 minimum order policy so get the order right before you finalize.

Same relays are under $7 each through Waytek.

Waytek Wire has a very good selection and good prices on most stuff, but has a $5 line minimum on most items.

Del City has a good selection and decent prices, and most items do not have a line item minimum.

Terminal Supply has a good selection, but are pricey. You also usually need to get a price quote from them, as I don't remember them listing prices online.

I buy about $800-1000 a year in wiring supplies, either for personal use or for a local shop. About 80% comes from Waytek, 15% from Del City, and the remaining from Term Supply if I forget to order from the other two and need that day (they are 30 min away).

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Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........