First: here's my set up. I've got a '94 5.2L Magnum running the stock injection and computer swapped into my Barracuda.

I'm chasing a cold start problem. On cold start, it runs rough and sometimes dies. It hunts for idle until it's warmed up. Then it seems to run okay, except that it seems to run rich.

All that said, I checked resistance on the coil today and wanted some opinions. The factory manual gives the following numbers for two different manufacturers:
Diamond: primary resistance 0.97-1.18 ohms and secondary resistance 11,300-15,300 ohms.
Toyodenso: 0.95-1.20 ohms and 11,300-13,300 ohms

I don't know who made my coil. The numbers I get off it are: 1.8 ohms and 13,570 ohms.
The primary resistance is out for both types and the secondary is out for one of the ranges.

Should I go ahead and just replace it? Could it be causing a cold start issue?
