Every time this is asked - discussed - beat to death - people seem to focus on the possible differences in the ramps, but here's a thought - if the angle (taper) that the cam is ground on and the lifter face are the same between the two lifter styles, and I believe they are - what difference could any difference in the ramp possibly make? The contact pattern on any given cam is going to be the same no matter what style lifter you use. If I did this, I would run it with about .020-.030 preload - running it with lash would be more likely to knock the retainer clips out of the lifters. IMO you may have more of an issue with the higher spring pressures trying to collapse the lifter than damage from any ramp difference issues.

Granted, this is usually done the other direction - running solids on a hyd cam, to eliminate lifters bleeding down - but I've never heard of an issue from the contact patch being different.

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Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........