Who's to say they are even making or having any made at all at this point.
This was a 2011 block and probably the last of a batch or a bad batch at that.
I know it takes mad capital, time consuming to make jigs/molds for such ventures, but if you are half way there or there at all, why not make good quality work and control and be a proud supplier be you a huge conglomerate or a small independent outfit.
This is why off shore companies are having a laugh at us and waiting in the wings to give us even more crappy stuff.

PS. I know quite a few brand X guys that are in the closet about their respect and love of the Pentastar kind and would love to build, own and race 'em, but all this hooplah plus huge long waits hearing crickets without reason keeps them exiting at stage left.
I know this happens within other camps as well, but to a certain degree, not as much or rampant. At least they have a whole host of options and stock.