We would like to thank Bob and his help.Bob has been working with us on oil and bearing issues on the blowen alcohol 65 Dodge of Don Martik.We used some of the best oils available,mostly top full synthetic blends and keep finding bearing wear and a lot of actual torching of the bearing caused by alcohol contamination.Bob stepped up and supplied us with his own blended moly oil which I referred to as snake oil and Bob a snake oil salesman.
We were changing bearing quite frequently until we changed over to his formulated moly snake oil.For the last two seasons we have seen a dramatic change.We pull the bearing at the beginning of each season and change to a new set and run them all season.The amasing thing is the bearing we take out look as good as the new ones we install.
We change the oil every 3 to 4 runs and see that the alcohol does not mix with the oil but floats on top.Letting the oil set for a few hours and the alcohol evaporates leaving the clean oil.
Again we want to thank Bob Petty and share we everyone the results.