Originally Posted By poorboy
I'm not a big AC fan, and cruising is better with the window down and my elbow out in the wind, so take my opinion as such.

I agree with 1E2C, how often will you really use the AC up where your at? Does the car have insulation? Will the AC pump clear the injectors? How do you feel about having hoses running across your motor? A lot of women like AC and the windows up, if that is a concern. If the cowl vent still works, they can pull a lot of nice cool air into the car. On the other hand, wind noise really bothers some people, if you are one of them and like the side windows up, I think AC is almost a must.

Personally, I say no, but as I grow older, that AC is gaining some ground. Gene

That's me Gene, as I get older..... wink lol

My cowl vent works, now on an electric motor because space wouldn't allow the stock lever configuration.
Girls? I'm single now. (insert joke here lol)
I think I could get a pump in, but as many of you say, we aren't THAT hot in BC, and I will mostly be driving evenings and nights in the summer I would guess. I plan on quite a bit of Dynomat, so that leaves me with deciding if it's worth it for a few dozen days a year.
I'm sure tons of people have had the same decision. Wonder how they thought of their decisions a couple years later....?