Originally Posted By plycuda
it doesn't say that they messed with the jets in the carb. you would think with the better breathing headers it might need more jet. they didn't talk about afr on each run.

The way I hear this vid is.. they built this engine
before with these headers.. assuming they tried to
make peak power they messed with jetting and timing..
then they put the engine back on the dyno(different day)
and got a base line test(first pull) then started making
changes to the headers.. no they didnt try to get BACK to
the original F/A ratios or jet to max... but in most cases
a lot of guys wouldnt on here either.. most would (if they
even dynoed the engine) would say.. the dyno numbers are
good enough... hell most wont even re-jet if they pull the
air cleaner off... at least on the vid they started with
a base line