Hello everyone, quick intro. I am 28 from Montgomery Tx, about a year ago I inherited my dad's 1973 Dart Swinger. Him and I always talked about getting it over hauled and make it street/strip car. The plans called for rebuild of the 360 to get ≈ 450 hp and put in a 727 tranny. I am not a car guru by any means. I know enough to do some of the work myself. My father was the mopar man through and through. I no longer have that resource as he passed Feb 2015. I am looking for some other mopar gurus who I know shared the passion he did for his car. Right now I am looking for spec's on a build for the 360 to achieve the hp goal. I have done some of my own research but need a experts word on it. I would like to keep the price around $2500 for parts. From my work that looks hard to do. Would anyone be willing to share ideas with me?

Thanks for the read sorry its long.