Originally Posted By Mr.Yuck
Originally Posted By Supercuda
Rock auto shows the front drum on a half ton to be the same from 59-69, they have a picture of it, but it doesn't have the three nubs in the above drum.

do you have the part number? These have been swapped out to 3/4 ton. When I check Rock they didn't have anything for the 51. I'll need to find a drum as this one cracked when I was trying to fix it...that of I'll have to go to disc.

Sorry shows the 59-69 drum that someone said your pics looked like. Not the 51 setup, shoulda made that clearer.

I spot checked the 3/4-1 ton drums of the 59-69 era, they are 8 lug setups.

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They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.