Originally Posted By burdar
It depends on what you use the car for. Is this a modified car or is it a stockish restoration? Is the radiator that you have the original one? If the stock look is important to you, you can always have the original radiator re-cored. They will reuse your upper and lower tanks as well as the original side brackets. You'll basically have a brand new radiator with a stock look. I think you can also have a thicker core installed as well.

Also take into consideration if the car is A/C or not too. For my car, my engine (not original) made 585 on the dyno but it also has A/c. With that, I'm looking at all options to make sure the engine stays cool as a cucumber. Will the original radiator keep it cool?

I'm leaning towards not using the radiator that was in the car. My dad had it checked and rebuilt a long time ago, still in the box from the shop. In fact, just might be selling it