Common problem, especially if its a multi disk unit. It will have to be pulled and sent in for exchange. BUT...when you get your discs back, if you get them back, they will most likely be trashed by the repair center. You will want to speak with the service manager about getting reimbursed for the damaged/missing discs before you pull the trigger. The main hickup in this is ma mopar. You might be ahead of the game if you put a call in to the customer relations number to squawk farther up the food chain to help getting reimbursed. When I worked at the dealer, the manager at the time made things happen for the customer. He knew who to lean on at Dodge corporate. Now its like TSMF at the dealers because mopar tries to be egyptian [ living in denial] about problems with the cars and put it off on the dealers to give you the good news because its easy for them, mopar, to deny coverage when they are not the ones looking you in the eye.

Carl Kessel