Moly rings, in my opinion are a way overhyped product. There is no such thing, AS a Moly ring. It is simply a coating that is placed ON the ring and that ring is usually made from ductile iron. They are promoted for the lubrication purposes of the Molybdenum coating and the fact they seal quick and well. Now, do they seal any quicker or any BETTER than just a quality ductile iron ring......NO. And how much extra lubrication do you need on a surface coated with oil.

Rings are typically made from 3 materials. Cast iron, ductile iron and steel. While the "tool steel" rings have a reputation of being hard on bores, being for race only, etc............the fact of the matter is that likely 95% or more of new car engines, COME with steel top rings these days. So much for the "wears the bore" argument.

So what do YOU need is the question. The top rings primary function is to seal the combustion. So the more power you make, the more durable this material needs to be. For most applications, a ductile iron ring does the trick, just what grade is the question. The vaunted "Hellfire" ring, is in fact ductile iron, just a different grade of obviously ductile iron will be fine in a most any application. The second rings job is about 80-90% oil control and 10-20% assisting the top ring in sealing the bore. So after addressing the oil/nitrous mix issue in my previous post, it becomes apparent that the SECOND ring and it's material is the REAL important choice here. For a nitrous motor, I like a "napier" ring. This is NOT a special material, but the outer "cut" on the ring which allows it to be a better scraper ring, to control the oil. This can also be and usually is, a ductile iron material. The oil control ring is obvious, but NEVER opt for a "low tension" package in any motor you intend to spray. Regular, medium or high are the only tensions you want here.

So the way I see it......WHY run a "coated" ring if it really gains you nothing and has the potential to cause you a problem. Just a WHOLE lot of folks have drank the "moly ring" koolaid over the years and is no doubt every ring companies highest seller

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 10/22/15 07:21 PM.