So I guess it's acceptable in your eyes for a "business" to sell bad non working parts as new good working parts and then not stand behind them in your eyes?

The plug wires were sold as new working plug wires, not simply a decoration that fit on a car.
They could have exchanged them for another set, but chose not to do that.
There was no fixing them, the wire cores were bad.
Back then $125 for a set of plug wires was a lot of money, you expect them to work.
If you're selling a decoration, state it up front, don't claim that they are functional working parts to make the sale then change your story when the customer calls you out on bad parts.

No one is supposed to talk about vendors that screw over their own customers?

You're hilarious. laugh2 laugh2 laugh2 laugh2 laugh2 laugh2

It has nothing to do with anyone trying to make themselves look better, it's about letting other people know who they can safely trust when doing business.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol