Alright, Turn the dampener till it is at the initial amt you plan on running (15BTDC might be a good ballpark) & confirm you are on #1 compression & if not then go around another turn to get the slit back to 15. install dist so rotor points sideways across the eng (I'm rusty on BB's but I believe that is the OE position & OE is the best for plug wires). turn housing slightly till the magnet is dead even with the tooth. (not sure of can position but it needs room to be turned either way). Plug in the #1 wire in that over sideways cap terminal where the rotor is at and the rotor should be located pretty much directly under that cap terminal or at least close to it and the can will shift it CW (on a BB) from that at rest static position (rotor phasing) and then plug in the rest of the wires around CCW from there. Just do a visual or you can make a mark on the side of the dist directly under the center of the bulge of the #1 cap terminal then remove the cap & see if the rotor is centered or close to centered directly above your mark on the housing. No Mas

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth