It was a rough couple days for the rookie driver and the big blue tank. Car scaled at 4430lbs with 3/4 tank of gas and got the big pig honor for the event.

Day 1 brought us to the east course which was tight and technical with lots of cones to navigate. Ended up 18th out of 22 for the day after popping a cone at the finish of my best run. All the extra cones and boxes once again messed with my head and i struggled on this course pretty bad. Wasn't dfl and had fun, so i call it a good day.

Day 2 was a very wide open course with a few tricky sections to keep you on your toes. Dabbled into fuel cut a couple times on course which puts speed around 64ish mph. Car had great rear grip but was pushy in the front. Driver was having issues looking far enough ahead to keep up with how fast the gates were coming up. Overall a decent day with an overall of 17th.

Had a nice chat with Tomswheels who was co-driving a mustang at the event. They had some excitement on day 1 but some stellar results on day 2. I'll let him tell his own story.

Talking with Tom did make me think about building the challenger any further for cam. I was contemplating selling the valiant to build the challenger but after weighing the pros and cons i'm going to do a few things to the challenger to run stp next year and start collecting parts to get the valiant ready for cam racing.

Day 1 vid

Day 2 vid