Originally Posted By JeffC
Originally Posted By JohnRR
Originally Posted By Supercuda
Are you talking about the rubber part or the metal bracket?

Agreed , and who calls Chrysler looking for parts for a 50 yr old car expecting them to have them still ?

You'd be surprised I get calls all the time for old stuff.

You work at a mopar dealer?

From like 1978-1986 or so I was buying NOS parts from a long time local Dodge dealer that was directly across from where I worked for 8 years all in a effort to restore a 71 challenger. I didn't have clue then, never did finish the car and sold many NOS parts to go drag racing. I know better...now. whiney

Harry to parts manager used to put some of my larger parts on lay away. Once I got it paid off I got to take it home, like one time I remember buying a new 71 challenger grill from the dealer like that. Every Fri I went into the dealer and paid them for parts for years. Couple of my friends worked there too as mechanics. Those were the days as I just pulled into the servive building and parked in a MT bay inside next to my buddy who worked there. I also knew the owners as they lived right around the corner from the dealership.