Originally Posted By Bull1tt
Originally Posted By John_Kunkel
Originally Posted By lewtot184
i trust the math, not the gps.

Problem is, the math only guarantees an accurate odometer not an accurate speedometer. Many speedo errors are in the head itself.

GPS factors in new tire size without having to measure diameter and calculate to the original 7.00 X 14 tire, which the 'math' does not do.

Not exactly, what the math does not take into account, because it is an unknown, is the EFFECTIVE diameter of the old and new tire. Effective diameter is the actual diameter with the load of the vehicle on it, not the listed diameter specification.

And that is why the math is wrong. Problem solving is a [censored] when you don't know how the formula works.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.